While most of the SportsTime crew is busy preparing for the upcoming high school football season, I am in the middle of the Guatemalan fùtbol season. To be more precise, I´m in Guatemala.
This summer I am traveling through Central America with month-long stopovers in Guatemala and Honduras.
Currently, I am in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala´s second biggest city, brushing up on my Spanish, eating plenty of frijoles with my host family, and volunteering as an English teacher at a local high school.
On August 8th, my next adventure begins in Honduras.
I will be working for OYE, Organization for Youth Empowerment (www.oyehonduras.org), as a volunteer with their after school soccer, art, health, and most exciting for me, radio programs!
In order to participate in Honduras I need to raise $1,000. OYE relies on private funding and requires all volunteers to help them in their fundraising endeavors. A $25 donation would be a tremendous help to the Guatemalan youth that OYE serves.
Tax deductible donations can be made payable to “Organization for Youth Empowerment” and sent to 3351 18th Street N.W.Washington, DC 20010. Please note “Carl Nasman” on the memo line. You can also donate on-line at oyehonduras.org
Also, check back here for updates, pictures, and stories from my summer in Central America.
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